My life as catherine
Hello there my dudes, if you stumble across this blog you will learn about my life as a teenager and a middle schooler So... i was born on 23 December 2004 and i was the cutest baby ( well everybody told me that). Well when i was little i was a bit strange among my girl friends, usually the play dolls or maybe chit chat about something but i was the tomboy of the class, even tho there's a lot of girls who like playing with boys but when this particular moment happen i maybe proud of myself because i stood up for myself. So it was a ordinary school day when one boy decide to to push me and it made me fell to the ground hard, so i decide to punch him in the face which made after that he got a nosebleed and my parents got called from school but they didn't mad at me because i know what was right... Fast forward from that when i became 7 years old i went to grade 1 its was all fun and games and i met a lot of friends, but when grade 3 rolls around i wanted to get out of t...