My life as catherine

Hello there my dudes,

if you stumble across this blog you will learn about my life as a teenager and a middle schooler

So... i was born on 23 December 2004 and i was the cutest baby ( well everybody told me that). Well when i was little i was a bit strange among my girl friends, usually the play dolls or maybe chit chat about something but i was the tomboy of the class, even tho there's a lot of girls who like playing with boys but when this particular moment happen i maybe proud of myself because i stood up for myself. So it was a ordinary school day when one boy decide to to push me and it made me fell to the ground hard, so i decide to punch him in the face which made after that he got a nosebleed and my parents got called from school but they didn't mad at me because i know what was right...
Fast forward from that when i became 7 years old i went to grade 1 its was all fun and games and i met a lot of friends, but when grade 3 rolls around i wanted to get out of that school immediately because it was like living hell in there. I got the worst teacher and my grades went up to down even deeper then the devil's ground. And almost everyday i could get sick in that class for no reason. But anyway let the past be the past and let the future come to you.

But then there's was 5 grade were Catherine meets her first ever crush... The boy name was Ferdinand
and it kinda started when it was in exam seasons and he went up to me when i was studying and after that we got close but as FRIENDS ok as FRIENDS. After the exam seasons was done we kinda talk everyday for the 1 year and then something happen which is... He told me how he feel toward me i also feel the same but we never go far, beside we are still little baby who are preparing for 6 grade and for a big exam so we didn't think that much after that. when 6 grade rolls around everything changed... After the school year started  he never talks to me for some reason but, i was to busy thinking about him so i brush it off my shoulder. But that was not the end no no no in the middle of the school year this girl i dont want to write her name because her name is not important but she tried to make me angry for some reason but her problem is her problem not mine so i ignore her but that is not easy... There was a lot of  obstacale that happend but i survive because that girl is trying to steal my old crush... But who cares he is not the only boy that is ini this world right? RIGHT.

After i ignore all that boy drama i past my 6 grade with a good grade, that's why kids dont think about boys when the big exams just right around the corner. Trust me it will be worth it..
Well my plan work as the holiday started i never once regret to left him there and there.
And then there was  junior
